About CGES
VISION : Clean and Green Environment for Healthy Life
MISSION : To strive for a Clean and Healthy World
Clean and Green Environmental Society (CGES) is a registered Society under the Society Registration Act XXVI, 1860 with its Head Office at Lucknow. The major aim of the Society is to promote awareness for saving the environment. On the last World Environment Day, June 5, Dr.S.C.Sharma, former Director Grade Scientist, Head Botanic Garden, Horticulture and Bio-aesthetic Planning, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, conceptualized the Idea for establishing an NGO for promoting environmental awareness among the masses, which should think Globally but act Nationally.
Interenship Pogram |
Clean and Green Enviroental Society has launched Online Environment related Interenship Programs. Internship programs will be of 45 days (Six Weeks) and Fee will be Rs. Fifteen Thousand only, which may be remitted to SBI Bank current account. |
Bank Details: | Clean and Green Environmental Society
SBI Current Account No. 35542148634 (IFSC Code : SBIN0009916) State Bank of India |
Clean and Green Environmental Society (CGES) offers Advisory/Consultancy Services for Inspection, Selection, Collection and Plantation of the Pollution tolerant Trees, Shrubs and Herbs for the Green Belts, Highways, Flyovers, Road sides, Dividers, Construction of Urban Ecology and Phyto-remediation of Outside and Inside Pollution of our Surroundings.
that makes a noticeable difference—all the difference in the world!"
— Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, primatologist

CGES Seventh Foundation Day 2022
Seventh Foundation Day of the Clean and Green Environmental Society
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Second National Conference
Clean and Green Environmental Society and CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow jointly organised Second...

Fourth Foundation Day, July 7, 2019
Fourth Foundation Day was celebrated on July 7, 2019 at the CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow. Theme of the Foundation Day was Environment...

Tobacco, Smoking and Gutkha Chewing: Challenging Threat to Health and Society on April 21, 2017
Clean and Green Environmental Society (CGES) organized an event 'Tobacco, Smoking and Gutkha Chewing: Challenging...
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