Farmers Get-together on March 6, 2016: The program was organized by Clean and Green Environmental Society in collaboration with CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, (CIMAP) Lucknow. Dr.S.C.Sharma, Secretary General, CGES and Dr.Anil Kumar Singh, Senior Consultant, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow coordinated the program on: Cultivation and Marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic plants for Enhancing the Income of the Farmers. CGES specially invited Shri Rajesh Mishra former Gram Pradhan, Smt.Shashi Mishra, Gram Pradhan, Gudumba and the farmers of the adjoining area for participation in the program. Justice K.L.Sharma, former Judge, Allahabad High Court was invited as the Chief Guest in the program. Dr.Anil Kumar Singh, Former Chief Scientist, CSIR-CIMAP was invited as the Guest Speaker for the program. Er.Sumer Agarwal, President, CGES, welcome the Chief Guest, Executive Members, Gram Pradhan and farmers of Gudamba. Dr.S.C.Sharma gave the introductory remarks to the farmers. Dr.Anil Kumar Singh, Consultant, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic very nicely explained the importance of medicinal and aromatic plants for human health. Dr.Singh gave the tips for cultivation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants as well as the techno-economics of the selected medicinal crops to the farmers. Dr.Sanjay Kumar and Dr.R.P.Bansal, Senior Scientists gave the know-how for the cultivation and marketing of Mentha, Vetver, Ashwgandha, Safed Musli, Damask Rose. For the saline and alkaline land with shortage of water, Vitiver (Khas) is the most suitable economic crop. There was a interactive session among the Scientists and Farmers for seeking the technical knowledge and getting the authentic plant material for growing the above crops. Farmers were advised to contact Dr.Anil Kumar Singh, Consultant CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, who will arrange the training on the medicinal and aromatic crops to the farmers in the CSIR-CIMAP. Justice K.L.Sharma Chief Guest deeply appreciated the out-reach program, Vigyan Gaon Ki Aur, which is very beneficial to the marginal farmers for enhancing their income. Prof.Yogesh Sharma, Joint Secretary, CGES proposed the vote of thanks to the Chief Guest, Juctice K.L.Sharma, Guest Speaker, Dr.Anil Kumar Singh, Er.S.P.Kalsi, Advisor, CGES. Prof.Sharma gave special thanks to Er.Sumer Agarwal, Chairman LEVANA Group for hosting very nice lunch to the gathering at his farm house.